Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers Mcqs
This set of Electrical engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on study of “Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers ”. These questions are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Electrical engineering. Our aim is to prepare an individual for competitive exams like NTS, GAT, ECAT, University and College entrance exams, Jobs and interviews. One should practice our MCQS to assimilate Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers comprehensively.
2. The pulsating d.c. applied to power amplifier causes________________?
Burning of transistor
Hum in the circuit
Excessive forward voltage
None of the above
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3. If the gain versus frequency curve of a transistor amplifier is not flat, then there is distortion ?
None of the above
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4. If the power rating of a transistor is 1W and collector current is 100mA, then maximum allowable collector voltage is________________?
5. What will be the collector efficiency of a power amplifier having zero signal power dissipation of 5 watts and a.c. power output of 2 watts ?
6. The driver stage usually employs_________________?
Class A power amplifier
Push-pull amplifier
Class C amplifier
None of the above
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7. The output signal voltage and current of a power amplifier are 5V and 200 mA; the values being r.m.s. What is the power output ?
1 W
2 W
4 W
None of the above
8. The push-pull circuit must use ______________ operation?
Class A
Class C
Class B
Class AB
9. What turn ratio (Np/Ns) of transformer is required to match 4 O speaker to a transistor having an output impedance of 8000 O ?
None of the above
10. For the same a.c. power output as above, what should be the minimum power rating of transistor for class B operation?
10 W
4 W
8 W
None of the above
11. The maximum a.c. power output from a class A power amplifier is 10 W. What should be the minimum power rating of the transistor used ?
10 W
15 W
5 W
20 W
12. The class B push-pull circuit can deliver 100 W of a.c. output power. What should be the minimum power rating of each transistor ?
20 W
40 W
10 W
80 W
13. Power amplifiers generally use transformer coupling because transformer permits______________?
Cooling of the circuit
Impedance matching
Distortionless output
Good frequency response
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14. The most important consideration in power amplifier is __________________?
Biasing the circuit
Collector efficiency
To keep the transformer cool
None of the above
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15. A transformer coupled class A power amplifier has a load of 100 O on the secondary. If the turn ratio is 10:1, what is the value of load appearing on the primary?
5 kO
20 kO
100 kO
10 kO