Power Electronics MCQS

This set of Electrical engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Power Electronics”. These questions are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Electrical engineering. Our aim is to prepare an individual for competitive exams like NTS, GAT, ECAT, University and College entrance exams, Jobs and interviews. One should practice our MCQS to assimilate Power Electronics comprehensively.

For similar carrier and modulating signals, the line current used in CSI is_____________?

Identical to line voltage in a VSI

Identical to line current in VSI

Identical to phase voltage in VSI

Identical to phase voltage in CSI

During the commutation period in 3 phase converter, overlap time is____________?

Dependent on the load current

Dependent on the voltage

Dependent on both the load current and load voltage behind the short circuit current

Independent on both the load current and load voltage

The effects of EMI can be reduced by_____________?

Suppressing emissions

Reducing the efficiency of the coupling path

Reducing the susceptibility of the receptor

All of these

An SCR is made up of silicon because_____________?

Silicon has large leakage current than germanium

Silicon has small leakage current than germanium

Silicon has small leakage voltage than germanium

Silicon has large leakage voltage than germanium

AC power in a load can be controlled by using_____________?

Two SCR’s in parallel opposition

Two SCR’s in series

Three SCR’s in series

Four SCR’s in series

The switching function of semiconductor devices can be characterized with____________?

Duty ratio only

Frequency only

Duty ratio and frequency

Duty ratio, frequency and time delay

Electrical power output in a D.C. generator is equal to_____________?

Electrical power developed in armature – copper losses

Mechanical power input – iron and friction losses

Electrical power developed in armature – iron and copper losses

Mechanical power input – iron and friction losses – copper losses

If a shunt motor is started with its field winding open then___________?

It will rotate at the same speed as that with its field winding closed

It will rotate at less speed as that with its field winding closed

It will rotate at dangerously high speed

None of these

The power demand can be estimated approximately by____________?

Load survey method

Mathematical method

Statistical method

Economic parameters

Power electronics essentially deals with control of a.c. power at____________?

Frequencies above 20 kHz

Frequencies above 1000 kHz

Frequencies less than 10 Hz

50 Hz frequency

In a push – pull converter, the filter capacitor can be obtained as____________?

Cmin = V / ( Vr L f2 )

Cmin= ( 1 – D ) V / ( Vr L f2 )

Cmin= ( 1 – 2 D ) V / 32 ( Vr L f2 )

Cmin= ( 1 – 2 D ) V / 42 ( Vr L f2 )

MOSFET stands for______________?

Metal – oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

Molybdenum – oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

Metal – oxide silicon field effect transistor

Metal – oxide semiconductor field effect transmitter

In a flyback converter, the inductor of the buck-boost converter has been replaced by a_____________?

Flyback capacitor

Flyback resistor

Flyback transformer

Flyback transistor

Advantages of Cuk converter is / are_____________?

Large number of reactive component

Low stress on switch

Low stress on capacitor

None of these

A MOSFET, for its conduction uses_____________?

Only minority carriers

Only majority carriers

Both minority and majority carriers

None of these

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