DB Data Modeling Mcqs

Our collections of Multiple choice questions and answers focuses on study of Data Modeling . These questions are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on DBMS. Our aim is to prepare an individual for competitive exams like NTS | GAT | ECAT | Data Warehouse jobs | Data Mining | DB administration jobs | Nadra Jobs | Software House and Data Base and Web Developer jobs | University and College entrance exams and various tests and job interviews. One should practice our Mcqs to assimilate Data Modeling comprehensively.

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Type of diagram in which operations are specified on objects is considered as

Functional diagrams

Class diagrams

Attribute diagrams

Entity diagrams

Considering binary relationships, possible cardinality ratios are

One : one

1 : N

M : N

All of above

Attributes that can be arranged into hierarchy are called

Composite attributes

Atomic attributes

Derived attributes

Simple attributes

Set of all entities having same attributes is classified as

Entity type

Attribute type

Function type

Hierarchy type

Set of values which specifies which values are to be assigned to individual entities is considered as

Domain of values

Composition of values

Attribution of values

Derivation of values

Type of attributes that can be divided into smaller parts is classified as

Multivalve attributes

Single valued attributes

Composite attributes

Atomic attributes

Particular database and set of related programs which helps in implementation of updates and queries is called

Implemented applications

Backup applications

Utility programs

Database application

Detailed description on entity constraints, entity relationships and entity types is expressed in

Low level schema design

Physical design

Conceptual design

Logical design

Types of partial constraints are

Total and partial

Intensive and extensive

Minimum and maximum

Floating and string

Attributes which have only one value for a specific entity are called

Multi-valued attributes

Single valued attributes

Atomic attributes

Diatomic attributes

Phase in data designing in which access paths and database indexes are specified is classified as

Structural design

Physical design of database

Data model mapping

Logical design

In programming languages, available data types are



Float and Boolean

All of above

Kind of constraint which cannot let two entities to have similar values is classified as

Derived constraints

Composite value constraint

Uniqueness constraint

Multi valued constraint

Data model in which relationships are explained in terms of attributes is classified as

Functional data models

Binary data models

Ternary data models

Extension data model

First step in designing high level conceptual data model is

Logical design analysis

Conceptual design analysis

Functional requirement analysis

Requirement analysis

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