Chemical Technology Basics Mcqs

This set of Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “ Chemical Technology ”. These Mcqs are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Chemical Engineering. Our aim is to prepare an individual for competitive exams like NTS, GAT, ECAT, University and College entrance exams, Jobs and interviews. One should practice our MCQS to assimilate Chemical Technology comprehensively.

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The raw materials for the manufacature of calcium carbide are

Limestone and coke

Limestone and slaked lime

Limestone and sand

Limestone and caustic soda

The liquefaction of gases in general is favoured at

Low temperature and low pressure

Low temperature and high pressure

High temperature and high pressure

High temperature and low pressure

High purity oxygen is used for


Cutting of metals

Medicinal purposes

All of the above

Nitrogen gas is used

As protective atmosphere to prevent oxidation in metal working and food preservation

For welding

For cutting of metals

As refrigerant

The quantity of electricity required to deposit one gram equivalent of any substance is

One coulomb

One faraday

One ampere

One microfaraday

When the same quantity of electricity is passed through different solutions the amounts of different substances produced are proportional to

Their atomic weight

Their molecular weight

Their equivalent weight

The square of their equivalent weight

The degree of ionisation does not depend upon

Nature of solvent

Nature of solute


Current strength

Select the correct statement

Electrolysis cell uses exothermic reactions to produce electrical energy

In the electrolysis cell the positive current flows from the positive electrode to the negative electrode outside the cell

Electrolysis cell uses electrical energy to produce endothermic chemical changes

In the electrolysis cell the positive current flows from the negative electrode to the positive electrode inside the cell

Select the wrong statement

Voltaic cell uses exothermic chemical reactions to produce electrical energy

In the voltaic cell the positive current flows from the positive electrode to the negative electrode outside the cell

A voltaic cell can become an electrolysis cell by use of an external voltage greater than the voltaic cell voltage and imposed in the opposite directions

Voltaic cell uses electrical energy to produce endothermic chemical changes

Electrolytes when dissolved in water dissociate into their constituentions. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte increases with

Increasing concentration of the electrolyte

Decreasing concentration of the electrolyte

Decreasing temperature

None of the above

The quantity of an ion discharged druing electrolysis is not directly proportional to




Chemical equivalent of the ion

A redox reaction is

Proton transfer reaction

A reaction in gas phase

Electron transfer reaction

Ion combination reaction

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