8051 Microcontroller Mcqs

Our Collection of 8051 Microcontroller questions and answers focuses on all areas of 8051 Microcontroller covering a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on O8051 Microcontroller. One should spend 1 hour daily for 2-3 months to learn and assimilate 8051 Microcontroller comprehensively.

Name the read only registers are present in the DS12887?

Register A, register B

Register B, register C

Register C, register D

Register D, register A

What is the supply that a DS12887 consumes even when the power is switched off?

Lithium ion battery

Lead battery

Both of the mentioned

None of the mentioned

What is the principle on which electromagnetic relays operate?

Electromagnetic induction

Motor control


None of the mentioned

What are DPDT relays?

Single pole, single throw

Single pole, double throw

Double pole, double throw

None of the mentioned

Why do we need a ULN2803 in driving a relay?

For switching a motor

For increasing the current limit in the relays

For increasing the power

For decreasing the current limit in the relays

Why are solid relays advantageous over electromagnetic relays?

They need zero voltage circuit

They need less current to be energised

They need less voltage to be energised

None of the mentioned

What are optoisolators?

It is a driver

It is a thing isolated from the entire world

It is a device that can be used as an electromagnetic relay without a driver

None of the mentioned

How can we control the speed of a stepper motor?

By controlling its switching rate

By controlling its torque

By controlling its wave drive 4 step sequence

Cant be controlled

The RPM rating given for the DC motor is for?



None of the mentioned

All of the mentioned

PWM allows the control of a DC motor with the same phase, but with different amplitude phases?



Cant be determined

None of the mentioned

How can the direction of the DC motor be changed?

By changing the torque

By changing the switching speed

By changing the polarity of voltages connected to the leads

By changing the RPM rating

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