Indexing and Hashing Mcqs

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Index which has an entry for some of key value is classified as

Linear index

Dense index

Non dense index

Cluster index

Primary indexes, secondary indexes and cluster indexes are all types of

Ordered indexes

Unordered indexes

Linear indexes

Relative search indexes

In multilevel indexes, primary index created for its first level is classified as

Zero level of multilevel index

Third level of multilevel index

Second level of multilevel index

First level of multilevel index

Indexes which specifies address of records on disk with a physical pointer are classified as

Structural index

Hashing index

Physical index

Logical index

In data file, first record of any of block is called

Anchor record

Dense record

Non dense record

None of above

File which has secondary index for its every field is classified as

Fully inverted file

Fully indexed file

Secondary indexed file

Primary indexed file

First field in primary index having same data type as in ordering field is considered as

Indexed key

Ternary key

Secondary key

Primary key

In multilevel indexes, primary index created for its second level is classified as

Second level of multilevel index

First level of multilevel index

Zero level of multilevel index

Third level of multilevel index

The physical location of a record is determined by a mathematical formula that transformsa file key into a record location is :

B-Tree File

Hashed File

Indexed File

Sequential file

An indexing operation

Sorts a file using a single key

Sorts file using two keys

Establishes an index for a file

Both (b) and (c)

The index consists of

A list of keys

Pointers to the master list

Both (a) and (b)

All of the above

If you want to organize a file in multiple ways, it is better to _____ the data rather than to sort it.



Sort Key


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