Advanced SQL Mcqs

Our collections of Multiple choice questions and answers focuses on study of ” Advanced SQL “. These questions are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on DBMS.Our aim is to prepare an individual for competitive exams like NTS | GAT | ECAT | Data Warehouse jobs | Data Mining | DB administration jobs | Nadra Jobs | Software House and Data Base and Web Developer jobs | University and College entrance exams and various tests and job interviews. One should practice our Mcqs to assimilate DBMS Advanced SQL comprehensively.

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What is a timestamp?

A combination of date and time with date first

A combination of date and time with time first

A combination of time and place with time first

A combination of time and place with place first

What does p indicate in the following data type?time(p)

The amount of delay that needs to be added to the time

The number of fractional digits for the seconds

The maximum number of allowed hours

None of the mentioned

What is a default value?

It is a value that automatically creates a primary key

It is a value that cannot be altered during insertion of values in the tuple

It is a value that is initially loaded into the attribute

None of the mentioned

What does the following statement do?create table temp_inst like institute

It creates a new relation temp_inst with all the tuples and attributes of the institute relation

It creates a new relation temp_inst with the same schema as that of the institute relation

It creates a new relation named temp_inst with institute as its only attribute

It does not create any relations and returns an error

Which of the following is a privilege in SQL standard?




All of the mentioned

revoke select on takes from amit;What does the above query perform?

It revokes all authorizations from amit

It revokes select authorization from amit

It revokes takes authorization from amit

It gives an error

Which of the following is/are a function of dynamic SQL?

Allowing a program to construct an SQL query in a character string

Submitting the query

Retrieving the result into the program variables a tuple at a time

All of the mentioned

What is the full form of JDBC?

Java Database Connectivity

Java Database Co-Operation

JSP Database Committee

Java Database Creation

Which of the following are not a part of PL/SQL




None of the mentioned

The part of SQL that deals with the SQL supports constructs is called as _______

Persistent construct dealer

Persistent storage module

Persistent supports center

Primary storage medium

A _________ is a statement that the system executes whenever a database is modified





error: You are not allowed to do so.....
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